
U-Pack International Ltd

United Kingdom

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  • Mr Richard Gardiner


Innovation, conceptual design and quality are the key words at U-Pack. A constant Research and Development programme aimed at developing new and improved processes for Sheet Plant operators is the corner stone of U-Packs success finding ways to improve profitability in production processes.  The U-Pack Group started as single Company in 1985, to manufacture its own unique design of a die-press known as the Shear-Line, since then 1000's have been sold into 60+ countries. Today we are still servicing Shear-Line machines from the 1980's and we are please to announce we are bringing the Shear-Line back into production with the new 2010 upgrades which consist of all new electrics and controls, incorporating latest drive technology, for more precise and expanded versatility of operation control.

U-Pack International in 1992 brought to market the T-Series a fully automatic die cutter, the predecessor of the New Frontier F1714. T-Series and Frontiers have been sold and operated successfully internationally many 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Known for its innovation in engineering and ability to listen to customer needs, the company's improvements and design upgrades are researched and developed as new technologies comes to market. With this in mind the 2010 Frontier™ incorporates the latest Siemens servo drive technology, simpler user friendly controls, overall enhanced reliability. 

With the major advances in die-cutting technology which have been developed and perfected over many years by U-Pack the time has come for the introduction of the all new 2010 CutMaster our first Rotary Die-Cutter with a difference; die-forms are produced with straight edge knife, giving clean straight edge accurate cutting unlike traditional Rotary Die-Cutters. Customer confidence could not be higher as the CutMaster is the perfect Sheet Plant Die-Cutter from the leading manufacturer.


CutMaster is a Rotary Die-Cutter with a difference; die-forms are produced with straight edge knife giving clean straight edge accurate cutting unlike traditional Rotary Die-Cutters.


The new 2010 Frontier™ The 2010 Frontier™ incorporates the latest Siemens servo drive technology, simpler user friendly controls, overall enhanced reliability, the perfect Sheet Plant Flatbed Die-Cutter.


A flatbed Roller Press ideal for new and established companies. Designed to process all types of corrugated board from micro flute to double wall and even tri-wall. Also plastics rubber, foams and even leather. With simple control procedures the Shear-line can be operated by unskilled personnel, with minimal training.



Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: n/a
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Manufacturer


Additional Information

Brand & Trade Names

  • CutMaster Die-Cutter
  • Frontier Fully Automatic Die-Cutter
  • Shear-line Roller Press
  • T-Series Fully Automatic Die-Cutters

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